Learn how to free yourself from anxieties 

10 Easy Steps to Learn how to free yourself from anxieties 

free from anxieties -image of person standing in the sunset

We are living in a truly interesting time. Things feel off balance, there’s a sense of frustration, and oftentimes we aren’t sure which way to turn. This disconnection leaves us feeling sad, angry and often lonely which can lead to anxiety. With this said below we cover 10 simple steps to free yourself from anxieties that are holding you back.

Seaking personally I’ve felt a roller coaster of emotions in the past few years. I’ve lost friends, gained a few and been tested in many ways.

If this sounds familiar, it is normal as we humans follow similar cycles. And though these changes bring challenges, such times bring hidden gifts so we can learn and grow from. With this said I share some of the things that help me in tough times in hope they will help you too.

1. Breathe to Easy Anxiety

When you feel triggered: sad, angry, frustrated, lonely, uncomfortable, fearful… Take a moment to pause and take a deep breath. Or two. If you are in a situation that triggers you, give yourself permission to remove yourself from that situation. Excuse yourself if you are around people or turn off social media. Then take a few moments to breathe deeply to relax your nervous system.

2. Honor your emotions

Make the choice to NOT distract yourself with whatever you use as “protection” as “numbing” behavior: it could be social media, Netflix binging, gambling, shopping, alcohol or anything else. This part of you may show up as a way to try to “protect” you from pain, fear or other emotions you may want to avoid. Know this is what is happening, acknowledge it and look for positive ways to feel what you feel. This can help you rather than prolonging what is there and needs to be felt.

3. Be kind to this part of yourself

Thank the parts that is trying to protect you. Acknowledge that her strategy of avoidance might not be the best all the time, as it just delays the sensations and prevent your healing. Tell her you will feel whatever you know you are capable of handling right now, so this part of yourself can relax and let you feel. So intentionally choose to switch off social media, turn off the TV, put the glass of wine back in the cupboard…

4. Permission

The fear of feeling is usually worse than the feeling itself. So give yourself permission to feel the fear. Even if it is uncomfortable, it is better to feel what is happening for you rather than avoid it. Avoiding leads to stuffing down emotions that get trapped in your body and show up as illness both physical and emotional.

5. Observe sensations

Where is it energy located in your body? How does the sensation feel, where does it move? What colour is the energy or sensation it? Simply trust  that you can handle whatever is coming up.

6. The power of the human touch

Humans need touch. Literally give yourself a hug, touch your heart, give yourself a massage of the neck, head, hands, feet…

If you feel a bit paralyzed by the emotions, choose one thing that requires the least amount of effort and that you know brings you peace, joy, or lifts you up: listening to your favorite music. pottering in the garden, walking barefoot on the grass, walking in nature, deep breathing, meditation or stretching..

7. Do Some Simple Tapping

Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique is such a powerful technique to shift your energy)… Observe the shift, as small as it is. If you’d like a little support in this process, listen to my “Letting Go meditation” on youtube.

8. Connect With a Friend

Call a friend or family member that you know will truly listen to you. Connect. Share. Cry. Laugh. Let go.

9. Read Something Inspirational

Listen to or read something or watch a video from one of your favorite “spiritual teacher”. Listening to the voice, reading the teachings, feeling the energy of the following authors and leaders truly shift my energy to a more peaceful, grounded, whole state of being:

Breath as Prayer: Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Michael Singer, Shiva Rea, Thich That Hanh, Gabby Bernstein, Jack Kornfield… and plenty of others.

10. Nurture in Nature to free from anxieties

Take a little time each day to go for a walk in nature. Or sit in your garden, or patio near plants or a tree. Anywhere is nature is a natural place to nurture and heal your body, mind and soul. Nothing and nobody better than nature allows you to be true to yourself, with no judgment.

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