Contact Us

Contact Us at Talk About Grief

Welcome to our website. This is a community about you. I understand it’s a place you would rather not be. You are likely here as you or a loved one have suffered a loss and want to gather some answers.

The information shared is based on personal experience along with stories, and, experiences shared by others. It’s about grief, loss, bereavement and the life changes that go with it.

As our website grows we will stories,  share tips and ways that may help you cope as you move through grief. While I want to share as much information as possible, it is no substitute for professional help.

If you are struggling and need help right now please reach out to your Dr, community health professional and use the available resources where you live.

Reach Out – Get Help

Please contact your local emergency resources such as:

  • Police
  • Mental Health
  • Crisis Line
  • Hospital
  • Hospice

Each city, town will have their own set of resources as well you can reach out to large organization that may be able to refer you. If you need help, don’t wait, reach out and get assistance right away!

If you want to submit a story for consideration please contact us by  email to:

Or, if you want to inquire about partnerships and events, or to submit a book for review

Thank you for stopping by,

From the heart,
