Grief and Panic Attacks Can You Stop Them

Grief and Panic Attacks

grief and panic attacks

Loss and grief bring about lots of changes. And one thing that people in grief commonly experience is panic attacks. So what can you do to help with panic attacks when your are coping with grief and beyond.

So let’s talk about panic attacks and is there a quick and easy way to overcome them. First let me say I’m a big fan of self help, but I’m selective. In fact I will go as far as to say that I am a very skeptical. But as someone who’s suffered with panic attacks, chronic anxiety, and depression along with deep loss and grief I am always looking for ways to ease painful, life halting mental health issues.

With this said there is a program called Panic Away. It’s a program that helps people who suffer with panic attacks. One of the things I like about the program is that you can do it in the privacy of your home, and it is very affordable.

Learn More About Panic Away Program Here <

Life is tough enough. And then we are bombarded with negative situations, overwhelming stress and media messages that continue to pile anxiety on our already chaotic lives. If you are suffering through some kind of loss or grieving panic attacks add additional pain. And what is important is that you take steps to stop panic attacks so you can deal with your grief.

But how do you know if you affected by panic attacks and grief.

What Do Panic Attacks Feel Like

Panic attacks are almost indescribable. It may feel as is your heart is racing, we break out in a sweat, shake, it’s hard to breathe, and feel like we are going to vibrate out of our body or get swallowed up. Panic attacks are terrifying – and worse they are impossible to describe to anyone whose never suffered an attack.

It’s terrifying – you feel like you are going to die and no one will know, or even worse people think you are crazy and they are going to take you away.

The thoughts that go through the head of someone in a panic attack is unreal. And in the moment you don’t feel like it will end.

How do I know what a panic attack feels like?

Because I have had many. I suffered with various times in my life including panic attacks and grief. And when they get to their worse stage panic attacks can cause you to avoid life. Often times you hope that by avoiding things it will put an end to panic attacks happening! But this is not true.

In those moments, you want something that’s going to help you right away. As a life coach you think I would be able to handle these attacks by myself but in the moment that is not the case.

Stop Panic Attacks With Panic Away

When I was going through some of my worst panic attacks bouts, I began to do a lot of research. I read about NLP, tapping and other helpful modalities. Many are helpful but it wasn’t easy to put it all together. But in my research, I found one program that is easy-to-follow program and accessible online 24/7.

And it is not another program that works using diversion. Instead it uses real methods to stop a panic attack.

My Grief and Panic Attacks

I didn’t realize it at the time, but my panic attacks began after the birth of my first child. I continued to struggle with anxiety and panic attacks through many stages of my life.

The anxiety brought about panic attacks, and I felt so out of control that I avoided situations. And the more I avoided situations I began to hide from life. This became a vicious cycle until the point I didn’t want to leave the house, I didn’t want to answer the phone… and people started to wonder what was wrong with me.

The truth was I didn’t know how I felt… so I certainly could not explain what I was feeling. I felt crazy, irrational and the self loathing that came with it. It was awful.

Does Anyone Understand Panic Attacks

When you have panic attacks you begin to wonder if anyone will understand your panic attacks. For example when I finally got enough courage to walk into see a Dr. I left feeling even worse.

The embarrassment, dismissal and was like a kick in the gut. I wanted to crawl under a rock, and the shame that came with it…

No one will ever understand. I continued to put on a fake smile for as long as I could, worked between anxiety and panic attacks and I knew there had to be an answer. Life was going by, and I was missing out.

I continued to research different modalities and ways to stop panic attacks. But I never came across one that would put all of the pieces together, until I found Panic Away. Finally, a simple and effective way that actually made sense and worked to explain what was going on. And it gave the how-to put an end to these panic attacks. .

Determined to find a secret weapon for stopping panic attacks from ruining my life, I became my own researcher. I became obsessed with self-help.

It didn’t take me long to learn that in order to get rid of my panic attacks, I must first understand that I shouldn’t be looking for a way to just “manage” it like I was doing with the medication.

Instead, I needed to learn how to approach my panic and anxiety in a different way.

This is where Panic Away came into my life.


I read about this guy, Barry McDonagh, who himself was a long-term anxiety sufferer and had once found himself like I had… unable to leave his house due to panic attacks.

After similar advice I received (go on medication and live with anxiety), Barry instead developed a unique technique that ended up working for him.

He found that instead of fighting his panic and anxiety, he would instead look at it differently.

He would NOT fight them and see what happens.

According to Barry, everyone who experiences anxiety and panic attacks, go through a Panic Loop which looks something like this:

His key to stopping the panic was simply to interrupt this loop (which makes 100% sense btw).

After successfully using this technique to interrupt the panic loop on himself, Panic Away was born.

Thanks to the 21-7 Technique™, the new loop looks like this:

This is all taught in what I must say are quite entertaining cartoon videos and audios that talk you through the techniques.

I was also no longer afraid of getting a panic attack because I now knew how to get rid of them.

I started feeling more and more like myself; the person I had missed for the last year.

Visit the Panic Away Website <

Panic Away 21/7 Technique Review

It turns out more than 150,000 people in over 32 countries have used the panic away anxiety program for a variety of reasons including grief and loss, with successful results in easing and getting rid of panic attacks.

Join 150,000 people in finally getting rid of your panic attacks.

Even therapists and doctors have been known to recommend this program to their patients.

Is There a Panic Away Guarantee

If for any reason the Panic Away program doesn’t work for you, they offer a money-back guarantee. And they even let you keep the program. So there is little to lose except to rid your panic attacks.

What’s Included in the Panic Away Program 

There is a physical version and one that is digital. The digital is fast access 24/7 and includes a PDF book, mp3 downloads and videos. While the physical includes a real book, CD’s, DVD’s.

The video and audio presentations give you:

  • Introduction
  • 21 Second Countdown
  • 7 Minute Exercise
  • A.L.M. Recovery

In the book you’ll find the below chapters:

  • Introduction
  • What causes anxiety disorder
  • 21 – 7 Technique
  • The 21 Second Countdown
  • Examples for real life situations
  • Eliminating general anxiety
  • The 7 Minute Exercise
  • A.L.M. Recovery
  • Coping and dealing with unwanted Anxious Thoughts
  • Dealing with unwanted Bodily Sensations
  • Ending Morning Anxiety
  • Dealing with Insomnia and Night Panic
  • Phobias
  • Dealing with O.C.D
  • Managing Setbacks
  • Turning the Corner
  • Anxiety Medication
  • A Round Up of the Usual Suspects
  • Conclusion

By the way… in addition to the full program, you also get a free Coaching Voucher ($150 value), and lifetime access to the Panic Away forum.

Get Your Own Copy of Panic Away Program

Update: The incredible team at Panic Away is offering a 50% off limited-time offer to my readers. Follow this link to get Panic Away for 50% off today.

You can either download Barry’s free audio first or go directly to buying Panic Away. Either way, you’re going to be getting a lot of value out of his teachings.

*Important note – If you are currently on medication for panic or anxiety, do not stop without your doctor’s help. Panic Away is not meant as a replacement for professional help.

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