Complementary Therapies for Grief and Loss

Complementary Therapies for Grief and Loss

In difficult times such as grief and loss it’s especially important  to take care of ourselves. One way is to integrate complementary therapies for grief and loss. These types of therapies have many benefits and they can be very helpful. Nearly all are naturally treatments to help the mind and body heal. And they are incredibly useful in difficult times such as loss and bereavement.

Today we talk about different types of alternative therapies. Many can help with grief, loss and other related issues such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Types of Complementary Therapies

Some of these include acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, herbal medicines and chiropractic. Many can help in times of stress, anxiety and help to relieve tension that often come with grieving.

Following are a few alternative and/or complementary therapies that have proven their worth alongside traditional medicine.


Acupuncture is the use of very fine needles that penetrate the skin. These tiny needles stimulate specific points of the body. In addition to traditional needles some practitioners use needles add  electrical stimulation to the process.

It’s a popular therapy that is helpful when managing chronic pain. And to release emotions such as grief. It is found to be helpful to those who suffer from depression.

A British National Health Service review found evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment for dental and jaw pain, and for relieving nausea after operations and chemotherapy.


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but without the use of needles.  Instead of needles a practitioner applies pressure to specific point on the body.  Massage therapists use their hands, elbows or feet to apply pressure on the meridians of the body. This is body work is done on the premise that  meridians channels carry life energy throughout the body.

And in times of stress, anxiety, depression and body pain that often associated  with grief. And when that energy gets trapped in the body it interferes with the bodies ability to process. Acupressure therefore work release the energy getting to flow in a healthy and healthy and healing way to help with grief and loss.

Experimental studies have had some positive results.  Acupressure is a popular means to bring relaxation that helps to relieve anxiety.

Aromatherapy Complementary Therapies for Grief

 Aromatherapy is another of the alternative therapies that is useful in times of grief and loss. It involves  essential oils.  These oils are extractions from leaves, roots, flowers or seeds of plants. In addition to using the oils in massage some of the oils can be inhaled. Every essential oil plays a unique role for healing specific points.

In fact studies have shown that specific aromatherapy oils have the ability to reduce pain, ease depression and calm anxiety. Some oils are used to treatment infection or inflammation, while others are used to promote relaxation in times of stress.


Chiropractic treatment concentrates on disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous system. This treatment includes disorders relating to pain in the back, arms, legs, neck and joints.  One of the most common procedures is spinal manipulation.

So how does this type of treatment help with grief. Think of all the tension one suffers when  they suffer a loss. This tension can lead to many types of health issues and this may include tissue and joint pain.

Chiropractic may help in restoring mobility by helping to loosens the muscles. Because of this it currently qualifies as complementary medicine more than many other alternative therapies.

Reflexology as Alternative Therapies for Grief

This gentle alternative therapy called Reflexology involves targeting specific areas of the feet, hands and ears. The theory of reflexology works with corresponding parts of the to bodies organs and systems.  When putting pressure on particular areas in the body it will  affect specific organs in a positive way.  And these organs correlate to emotions.

So for example when pressure is applied to a spot on the arch of the foot it connects to bladder function. Reflexology is a therapy millions of people use for various ailments such as helping to treat illnesses. This include cancer, kidney function, asthma, diabetes and other issues types of grief and loss. In addition reflexology can be one such complementary therapies that may help someone in grief. It helps by reducing anxiety, fatigue and to improve sleep.

Herbal Medicines

Herbal medicine is one of the oldest form of healing, and it remains as the only form of medicine in part large parts of the world.

Unlike most pharmaceuticals herbal medicines come from plants. One example of is quinine (the pharmaceutical medication for malaria), obtained from the bark of the cinchona tree.  The opium poppy is a plant that produces morphine.

Herbal medicine aims to return natural balance to the body to enable it to heal itself.  Some commonly herbs and their traditional uses include:

Echinacea – stimulates the immune system, helps the body fight infection and is a treatment for boils and herpes.

Garlic – lowers the levels of blood fats and cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart disease. Garlic contains antibiotic and antiviral properties that make it useful for fighting respiratory infections, colds and sinusitis.

Ginger – studies involving ginger have shown positive results in the treatment of nausea, including motion and morning sickness.

Massage When Grieving 

Grief can cause us to get stuck in our thoughts. Massage is a way to help you to get out of your head and into you body which can help to ground you. In addition a good massage relaxes, soothes and relieves tension which is help in times of grief and loss.

Massage therapy involve kneading and massaging muscles and other soft body tissues.  This type of therapy helps to increase circulation, which helps to relieve tension and anxiety. And In addition it helps promote relaxation for necessary sleep.

Boost Your Immune System

In times of grief and loss the body often there may be emotional issues as well as the physical ones.  Getting regular massage therapy is a great one of the best complementary therapies for grief. Aside form boosting your immune system, a massage is a good way to reduce blood pressure.  And some massages use aromatherapy oils as complementary treatments for grief and loss to help when moving through the grieving process.

However if you are struggling with coming to terms with your loss then its important to seek professional help. Taking care of your body always is an important part of your overall wellness. If you require assistance for mild emotional issues then see if online therapy is for you. Whatever you do take care of yourself in all ways to move through this time.

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