Books for Grief and Loss

Books About Grief and Loss

Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief on Amazon 

No two people will ever experience grief the same way. We are unique, and so is the circumstance of every loss and how we process or do not process grief.

About Books About Grief and Loss

There are hundreds of books about grief and loss. Many will have useful information while the pages of others are full of personal stories, or tips and advice about grief or how to move through grief.

Grief Day By Day: Simple Practices and Daily Guidance for Living with Loss <<

With this said, it may take a while to find books that are helpful to you. And sometimes you will not find any solace, at least in your time of grief.

Depending on your personal experience while well meaning some books may anger you, especially if they go against your beliefs. Many are filled with cliches of grief, and others may be inspirational that make you feel down right worse.

My point is that when you pick up a book, it may not resonate with you in anyway. And sometimes you will pick up a book, only to put it down, and maybe you’ll pick it up later when you are ready. Or maybe not.

Grief Does Not Come With a Handbook

grief and loss books

It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t <<

Unlike other books and guides, where people may relay their after experience, grief does not come with a handbook. When we lose someone we love, our grief is so unique that we can only share our experience.

There are so many questions we have about grief and loss. We are desperate for answers that no one can give us. We live with wishes and dreams and what if’s. But they are not possible because this a journey we make alone .

How to Look at Grief Books

When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times <

“Perhaps what makes Pema’s message resonate so strongly with people, no matter what their religion or spiritual path, is its universality. Each of us has experienced heartache; how we interact with that feeling, Pema says, can create the possibility of a more joyful life.”—O, The Oprah Magazine

The best way to look at grief books is to read them if and when you are ready. And when you do, take from them what serves you, and let go of what doesn’t. Even the best of books will be written with a certain bias, after all we can only write from our experience.

In difficult times we all do the best we can. So whether it is reading self help books, reading grief blogs or practising self care. Know that it is all okay. With this said I put together a list a few books that you may want to read.

Remember, be gentle on yourself. There is no time frame for your grief, and do whatever you need to take care of yourself.

Visit the Amazon Bookstore to See the Grief and Loss Books Available <<

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