Slow Down a Busy Mind in Difficult Times

Simple Ways to Slow Down a Busy Mind

slowing down a busy mind

In times of grief, loss, and life changes it is easy to get caught up in overwhelm. Maybe you are not sure what to do next. Or you are racing in panic mode. But this is when intentions to recover or heal can backfire. For this reasons it is important to slow down a busy mind so you are better able to make decisions that will best serve you.

Why Slowing Your Mind Is Important

How will you cope, should you move house, what about money, work… these are just a few of the thoughts that can run through your mind in emotional times. And when your mind is running away with you it is difficult to resolve anything. Though it may be easier said than done this is a time to slow down, take care of yourself, give your mind a break and take things one step at a time.

Today we cover a few simple ways to attune to your surroundings. This will help you to get grounded rather than make rash decisions you may later regret.

Anything you observe closely opens doors to new universes of possibility.

This life-affirming process, is facilitated by the following behaviors:

  • Cultivate Something (interacting with something that needs care)
  • Slow Down (moving swiftly makes you tread on things)
  • Quiet Your Mind (sit by a stream, walk in nature, allow silence to enfold you)
  • Step Outside Yourself (lend a hand, listen to someone, foster compassion)

Cultivate Something

This cultivating can be literal, like planting something and taking care of it. It can also mean creating something with people around you, and making an effort to assist it in thriving.

The point is that engaging with life in a manner that requires consistent focus, reveals the relationship between disparate parts and hones your awareness.

In the case of a plant, you begin to understand the dynamic relationship between soil, sun, moisture level, and other environmental factors. This allows you to see that things are far from static. And what was simple on the surface is actually rich in complexity. Cultivating is a perfect way to slow down the minds busy-ness.

Get in Touch with Your Sense

It’s hard to relish the simple things, or anything at all when you’re constantly racing from place to place or task to task. Without pausing to observe your surroundings, feel the sensations in your body, and tune in, the best of life will pass you by.


On the other hand, breathing deeply, honing your senses through quiet observation, deep listening, practicing tactile awareness of your body, and mindfully chewing and tasting your food, will dramatically increase the quality of your experience. This awareness sets you up to live your best life.

Quiet Your Mind

Creating the space for quiet in your life can be one of the simplest ways to improve cognitive function. Daily rituals of even a few minutes of silence, breathwork, or meditation can do wonders for mental clarity and stillness.

According to the National Institute of Health, long-term meditators have more folds in the outer layer of their brains (greater mental processing capacity) and show beneficial changes to the amygdala (emotional processing center of the brain).1  So, the benefits of meditation are physical, as well as, mental and emotional.

Step Outside Yourself

Sometimes the best way to see the good in life and relish the simple things is by getting out of your head. When you engage in acts of service, placing someone else’s needs above your own, it provides perspective.

You feel compassion for another’s experience, and you care about improving their circumstances. This insight broadens your view and reduces the significance of your own problems.

Concluding Simple Ways to Slow Down a Busy Mind

Whether you try one or all of the aforementioned suggestions, you will reap rewards in your life. Being present and cultivating conscious engagement will only add to the beauty of your existence, a key component of living your best life.




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